Improving Mid Wales Transport

Improving Mid Wales Transport

Updated: September 2024

Since I was elected to the Welsh Parliament, I have been campaigning for better transport infrastructure for Montgomeryshire. Good transport connections are key to improving the local economy which is why I actively campaigned for the Newtown bypass and a new Dyfi Bridge at Machynlleth. I

continue to campaign for other important road improvement schemes as well as improving road safety. It is reported that sadly Powys has one of the highest road accident rates leading to someone being killed or seriously injured on our roads per 100,000 population and the reason I continue to call for road safety improvements.

Road Improvements at A458 Middletown

There have sadly been several accidents on the A458 Welshpool to Shrewsbury road, including a fatal accident.  This road needs to be made safer and I believe there is a need for a scheme for this route. 

This is an issue that I have taken up with the Welsh Government Minister and with local Police regarding this stretch of road.  I have met with Welsh Government Highways officials along with key representatives on site to discuss safety improvements including installing a camera, additional signage, extending the no overtaking double lines and an increased Police and speed camera van presence.

During August, the new Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Ken Skates MS informed me that the Welsh Government had recently renewed road markings on the A458 near Middletown in direct response to concerns raised by myself and local residents about vehicles overtaking on double-white lines. The Welsh Government also confirmed that officials are conducting an investigative study, including the use of CCTV, to determine if further measures are necessary to enhance road safety in this area. My own view is that further measures are needed, and I will continue to call for these road safety improvements and will continue to work with Cllr Amanda Jenner in making this section of road safer for all.

Pant–Llanymynech Bypass

The campaign for a Pant-Llanymynech bypass remains an important road improvement and safety scheme. The previous UK Government and the Welsh Government gave commitments to progressing the Pant/Llanymynech bypass. Highways England have been leading on the project development in consultation with Welsh Government transport officials. Earlier this year I met with the then relevant UK Government Minister in Llanymynech. A bypass study had been commissioned. My hope is that the new UK Government will consider the outcome from this work, and the Government will then include plans within the National Highways Road Investment Programme for a delivery of new road schemes from April 2025 – March 2030.

I continue to raise the scheme in the Senedd with the Minister on a regular basis.

Schemes at Caersws

There are other smaller road schemes proposed to resolve traffic flow and safety concerns including at Moat Lane crossing near Caersws with a proposed roundabout replacing the current junction. Also in Caersws, along with County Councillor Les George and others, I have been promoting a new footbridge over the river.  The current bridge is dangerous for pedestrians crossing. Work to progress this scheme has been slow and has been hampered along with other smaller schemes due to Welsh Government putting a hold on the building of all new schemes subject to their review. Welsh Government has confirmed that proposals are currently being developed for a new footbridge adjacent to the existing structure as part of UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund. I will be pressing for details to come forward on these proposals.

I have also raised the safety of the pedestrian crossing by the crossroads with the Minister.  A safety assessment of the pedestrian crossing has been undertaken but sadly Welsh Government’s view is to keep the crossing as it is and made some small improvements to the visibility of the crossing.

I have pressed various Minister’s responsible on schemes at Caersws.  The previous First Minister Mark Drakeford MS confirmed to me that the Moat Lane junction scheme will continue to develop, and that some of the more recent recommendations that include additional safety and active travel elements will need to be planned into the project, he did further point out that like all schemes, it inevitably has to meet the same tests as any other road scheme, and then of affordability. In my most recent update from the Transport Minister in June, he confirmed to me that Welsh Government officials are considering improvements to the safety of the junction along with potential active travel improvements and a pedestrian footbridge over the river.  As part of this work, they will review the previous appraisal work following the roads review pause on schemes and align the scheme with current policy.  This work is due to start this financial year, before the end of March 2025.

A44 Llangurig to Aberystwyth

I will continue to call for safety improvements along this route which has one of the worst accident records in the UK. Welsh Government have at last recognised the need for improvements due to issues such as road safety, junction efficiency and the overall condition of the road.  The Cabinet Secretary for Transport confirmed to me in August that the Welsh Government are developing a road safety solution for the A44. I will continue to work to make sure ministers see improving this stretch of road, through to the end.

Road Collapse at Talerddig

I have raised the need for repair works to be carried out on the Trunk Road at Talerddig. Following the road collapse in November last year, I raised this urgently with the Minister to carry out urgent repairs to reopen the road. I am pleased work was carried out to enable the road to be reopened under traffic management.  I have since taken this important trunk road issue up again on numerous occasions with the Minister and again more recently whereby he has confirmed to me that the detailed design for the permanent repair to the wall has been finalised.  Work is currently programmed to commence in October for completion this calendar year. I will keep the pressure on Welsh Government to prioritise the permanent repairs needed to allow the road to be opened fully to two-way traffic.  More recently I have taken up further road safety issues at Talerddig following accidents near the junction to the Bont Dolgadfan road and by Tyrpeg.  I have long called for a reduction in the speed limit at this location and road safety improvements to address the dangers of the layout of the road.

A better Rail Service

Sadly, the rail service we receive in Montgomeryshire continues to be poor with trains regularly being cancelled, delayed or overcrowded. I have been continually raising concerns about the performance of Transport for Wales on the Cambrian Aberystwyth to Shrewsbury line and have been seeking assurances over commitments made by Transport for Wales and the Welsh Government.

A new fleet of trains is being built for the Cambrian Line to run on the unique signalling system, unfortunately there have been delays, and I am told this due to problems with the supply of components compatible with this signalling system. During a meeting with the CEO of Transport for Wales in August, I was told that disappointingly the new rolling stock (train carriages) on the Cambrian Line has been delayed yet again. I was originally told the new stock would be coming on line towards the end of 2023, that was delayed until Winter 2024 and now I have been told because of delays with the supply of the carriages to TfW the new stock will not be available until the latter part of 2025.  This is very disappointing when the new stock is already being used on the lines in other parts of Wales.  I am assured these trains will deliver increased capacity for passengers and will also run with faster acceleration, allowing services to meet the timetable more reliably.  I continue to raise the frustration of this poor service and seek assurances that the new trains will indeed deliver a better service for us locally and I will press upon Transport for Wales to introduce these new trains as soon as they possibly can.

On a more positive note, I was pleased to visit Newtown station over the summer to see first-hand the accessibility improvements being carried out by Network Rail, as part of the Department for Transport funded Access for All programme. The improvements include a new footbridge over the railway with lifts to access both sides of the platform, improved lighting, CCTV and a PA upgrade for train announcements at the station.  I am pleased this is taking shape and is hoped to be completed and usable by the end of the year. This will be a great benefit to disabled users and those with mobility issues along with those with who have prams and pushchairs needing to access both platforms one and two

In my meetings over the Summer, I was also able to raise the other issues along the Cambrian Line including overcrowding, delayed trains, and ongoing train cancellations.  I have also raised the maintenance issues of the bridge across the railway line at Welshpool and responsibility for it, including keeping the bridge clear of litter and gritting it in the winter months. In a response I have received from the Minister on this, Welsh Government is responsible for the majority of the bridge while the ramp down to the platform is an asset of Network Rail subject to the completion of an Asset Protection Agreement.